About Jared
Jared is a composer, songleader, music educator and professional musician. Originally from the Washington DC area, Jared has infused the LA Jewish community with his intentional approach to prayer leading and song.
Jared strives to bring people together with music as the primary language whether it’s through his work as a music educator at deToledo High School and BCI (Brandeis Collegiate Institute) or a Havdallah concert with his talented wife Jamie.
Playing music makes Jared feel greater than just himself and allows him to read between the lines of life (and sometimes it’s just plain fun). Starting at the age of 10, Jared joined his family band, The Rolling Steins and continued studying and playing a variety of styles. In 2004, Jared joined the Nashuva Band with Rabbi Naomi Levy. He has played and recorded with many notable artists, including Theodore Bikel, Peter Yarrow, Nava Tehila, Moshav, Distant Cousins, and Craig Taubman.